How to Scrape result count for all the keywords given?

To make a bot which searches keyword on and scrapes its result count, follow these steps:-

  1. To create a new bot, click DK extension and type “google_count” and then click ” + New Api”.

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  1. Now open in the browser before training the bot, and click “Record” to train the bot.

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  1. Now click button to add output variable and click “save”.

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  1. Reload the page to add the URL to the event.

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  1. To train the bot to search a keyword, first type a keyword(eg: dog) in google search and press enter.

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  1. Now right click on the results count, then click Datakund=>Scrape=>Text=>results_count, to scrape the results count.

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  1. Now stop the training(by clicking ), and click “run”.

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  1. Click the down arrow beside the run button, click “Run Google Sheet” and click “Open Sheets”.

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  1. Google Sheets will open and then type all the input keywords from the 3rd row, and close the sheets.

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10.Now go back to the browser and click “Run Google Sheet”, and wait for the bot to run and click open sheets.

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  1. Now click on “Google Sheet” button and you can see the below image, that our bot scraped all the search count.

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